I need camping gear

Wanna go camping, need some stuff!

Category: Planning

What Are The Essentials For Camping

Essentials For Camping

http://www.ineedcampinggear.com/So you have decided to take that road trip this weekend, and you are wondering what are the essentials for camping? There are a number of items that make camping so special, and once you have them in your backpack and your vehicle, you will be eager to get out camping. A camping checklist will help you remember everything that you need for a successful camping vacation. By setting up an essentials for camping checklist, (get one for instant free download by clicking on the link) you will be able to make sure that you have everything that you need before you leave on your trip and it is something you can keep updated as you learn new things about camping.

Some people think that a camping checklist is a list of the necessities for camping, but it is more to the point of a “planning kit”. A camping checklist is more than just the necessities for camping, it is also the mental preparation that will take you far and wide in safety and comfort on your next trip.

Camping is one of the most popular ways to get away from the noise of everyday life and to reconnect with nature but if you are unprepared, it can be a miserable time and won’t last long. With preparation, you can have a great time, no matter the weather or time of year.

The absolute essentials are water, food, a means of cooking and heating and somewhere safe to sleep. There are other things that will make camping life a lot easier. The things that you will need when you are camping include the following;


Water bottle, possibly water purification tablets if your water is going to come from an outdoor source, like a stream or pond.


Unless you are planning on catching your own prey and digging for vegetables or eating in restaurants all the time, you will need to carry food with you, whether packaged ready meals that just need heated or dried food that needs water added. Most of these come in lightweight packaging. Remember, baked bean tins get pretty heavy if you are going to carry them in a backpack.

Heat And Cooking

You will need a stove and fuel unless you are going to pick your own firewood, in which case, you would be wise to carry a starter kit of dry fluff (from the filter of your tumble dryer) and matches or a lighter. You will also need cooking utensils, cutlery, possibly a lantern, and maybe a cooler to keep cold drinks or food.


You will need a tent, or bivvy bag, or maybe a reservation at a camping lodge, if you prefer something a bit more solid. If you are into survival camping, then you may be willing to wait until you are at your chosen campsite before finding materials to create your own shelter. In this case, you will probably want to bring paracord and possibly a tarpaulin if you want to stay dry, even when survival camping.

If you are bringing a tent, make sure the package includes tent pegs and a mallet or whatever else is needed to erect the text and keep it anchored. Of course, if you are bringing friends or family you may need a massive camping tent or even a couple of very large camping tents.

You will also need sleeping bags or air beds, with the warmth level depending on the weather and time of year. Check the weather and temperature forecasts for your chosen campsite and remember, the higher you go in a mountainous region, the colder it will get. If it is likely to rain, make sure you can keep your sleeping bag and a change of clothes dry.

A backpack is essential for carrying all these items.


Knife – always useful. Hygiene items, washing kit, maybe wipes if you are not likely to have water for washing. First aid kit, with sticking plasters, bandages and antiseptic wipes. In addition, bring along some insect repellent and sunscreen, it’s a good thing to have!

Check the site you plan to stay for any special items you may need and whether there are any poisonous or dangerous creatures likely to be around. Fire starter kit, including matches or lighter and extra fluid and flints. You can get fire starters to carry instead of matches. Torch

Check out the essentials for camping checklist and add any items you always need to make sure you have everything you need for camping when you next go. Then save it in a safe place, ready for your next trip.


What You Need To Know About Camping


Whether you pitch a tent or roll up in a motor home, choosing to spend your vacation time camping can be a blast!

Make sure you plan and prepare for all of the little hazards that may arise, by checking out the following tips.

Although not essential, a machete is something that you may consider packing depending on where you are going. It is a very versatile tool in the wilderness. You can cut a trail, hack bamboo and vines for shelter, cut coconuts for water, chop firewood, and even use it as protection against wild animals.

Rain gear – Keep an eye on the weather. Rain or other conditions may impact your travel time and your experience at the campsite. Make sure that you have gear that is appropriate for the weather conditions that you may face. Adjust your departure time as necessary to try and avoid the bulk of the bad weather, if possible.

Look up activities to engage in prior to getting to your destination. This will allow you to check for any deals that may be offered. Also, it will help you be more prepared when you actually get to your destination. You can find trails that may be appropriate for everyone in your family or restaurants that you would enjoy.

Clear up – Leave no trace of your outing at your campsite, for environmental reasons and as a courtesy to others. Make sure all trash is picked up, refill holes you may have dug and of course, that your campfire is completely out!

Camping is a great way to spend your vacation. It can offer great relaxation, inspiration and even teach us a lot about our environment. Keep these tips in mind as you set out on your camping adventure and remember to have fun!

Camping Abroad

Have You Thought About Camping Abroad?

Maybe your dream photographic holiday would be a trip abroad? Perhaps you have a few popular destinations in mind?

Yes, you will probably have to pay more for your plane ticket than you would for a domestic flight. But if you choose your destination wisely, you could end up spending much less while you’re there. International airfare has been pretty affordable lately. And if you go camping while abroad and choose your destination wisely, by going for more affordable destinations, you could get your dream photographic vacation at a fraction of the cost you might have expected.

http://davidowen.photos/gallery.htmlWhether you are an experienced camper that enjoys long back-country hikes, or you just want to try something new with the family in the great outdoors, making camp abroad will require a whole different lot of planning unless you want to carry everything with you. That can be done of course. Alternatively, you may prefer to hire your equipment at your destination or even choose a campsite with static tents available.

Make sure you plan to take, or acquire, sleeping bags, tents and outdoor cooking supplies. You may also want sleeping pads, air mattresses and cots, as well as camping essentials like flashlights, knives and bug spray. Remember you may not be able to take such items as these on a plane and you may have to arrange to purchase them at your destination and to leave them there when you return.

https://davidowen.photos/shop.htmlAn inexpensive break could involve a volunteer vacation abroad, especially for people looking to do meaningful work during their vacation or career break. You would be with fellow volunteers and local people in developing countries – working hard, traveling, and having a good time while contributing to long-term impact. And of course, able to travel to areas perhaps not on the normal tourist trails.

Whether you go the cheap or the expensive route, camping is a means of obtaining photographs you might not always get in settings you may not previously have thought of. Rather than exotic animals, you may find you are photographing serene countryside and fairy-tale landscapes. Whatever your choice of destination, you will find places and things to photograph; and photographs that you can work with in graphic software to display or mount afterwards, as a long term reminder of your camping holiday abroad.

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